Love how you’ve laid this out, Pierre. So often, businesses rush straight to execution, thinking they can tweak the strategy along the way but in reality, that’s like trying to assemble furniture without reading the instructions first. I guess the foundation matters.

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This detailed breakdown just made B2B marketing very easy.

Jumping straight to tactics without the fundamentals is same as looking out for shiny objects. Get clear first

Great insight pierre ❤️💐

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Well said. So many business owners lead with a tactic. They say "I want to send email", or "I want to run ads", etc. and find someone to sell them taht with out a strategy or a plan.

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Awesome edition

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I am struggling with this right now, and I have only been consulting for the past 4 years to the igaming industry, mostly B2B!

I have loads of proven and successful strategy that I can tailor to a start up or a scale up business, but I know that as I start discussing strategy the conversation gets shifted into tactics and events and PR - everything BUT a look at the business, or even the current brand strategy that they may or may not be using. They are just not interested.... however, mention "differentiation" and they are all ears!

I know what works well, and it is always as you have laid it out so beautifully here for us, so now I am feeling inspired to continue and keep pushing ahead. Many thanks!

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This breakdown nails the biggest mistake in B2B marketing. Jumping straight to tactics without getting the fundamentals right. Way too many companies treat marketing like a list of tasks instead of a strategic function that actually drives business growth. Great post Pierre!

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