The shift to account based marketing is especially important. I feel like so much of the approach people are using to sell at the B2B level is out of date. The tips here are fantastic. People need to focus more on trust, showing up and being helpful, and being closer to customers rather than trying to achieve everything at immediately to hit internal targets.

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"People Over Personas" really struck a chord with its emphasis on human connections. Going beyond static customer profiles and focusing on building genuine relationships recognizes that the heart of any business is people. Diving into the nuances of individual experiences, needs, and preferences allows for a more personalized and resonant approach. This human-centric strategy not only aligns with the current shift towards authenticity in marketing but also acknowledges the unique stories and challenges of each customer.

Now, onto "Content is Conversation." Your perspective on content being a dynamic dialogue is a game-changer. It's not just about broadcasting information; it's about sparking conversations and actively engaging with your audience. This aligns perfectly with the current trend of interactive content, where the audience becomes an integral part of the narrative. By fostering two-way communication, businesses can better understand their audience's evolving needs, preferences, and pain points, leading to more relevant and impactful content.

In essence, these two sections offer a profound shift in mindset – from viewing customers as data points to recognizing them as individuals with distinct stories. And in the world of B2B marketing, where relationships matter, this approach seems like a winning formula for success. Can't wait to see how these strategies reshape the B2B landscape in 2024! πŸ‘

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Pierre, this is so good I had to steal it as a pdf. Thanks for putting it together.

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