People often ask me:
“How long does it take to get results with content?”
“What type of results do you get with content?”
Here’s my answer to this in 3 points:
Part 1 - You will unlock 7 types of benefits with content
Part 2 - You will go through 5 stages of content
Part 3 - You will benefit from the halo effect
Bonus Part 4 - How my course will help you create content
This is the agenda of today’s newsletter!
My new course is live with a launch offer until Sunday 1st December. Start publishing content for your business.
🎉 → Grab the launch offer now before it ends:
“I have closed more than 20 000$ in the last 2 months, my content strategy is better predictable and generates more revenue now!" Pierre-André Patry
Part 1 - Content will unlock 7 benefits for your business:
The first one is the most obvious, when you publish content, people see your brand. It gives you more chance to show your messages, build awareness, and show your expertise. That’s the starting point; good content equals eyeballs.
The second one is often underrated but it’s immensely powerful. When people see your content daily, they trust you more because they understand your point of view, see what you’re doing, and read your case studies. Social proof is also an important trust factor here.
The third one is my favorite because it equals sales. Content positions you as an authority in your industry. What does that mean? It means they go to YOU when they have a question because you are their trusted source of information. You show your expertise, they trust you to fix their problems, so they BUY FROM YOU.
The fourth one is straight to the point. You’ll get inbound leads if you publish the right content. Why? As I said, they want to work with you because they trust you from your content. That’s simply how it works. They will contact you in DM or on your website.
The fifth one is super powerful. With a solid content strategy, you get more replies for your outbound campaigns. Because people know you and trust you from content. Instead of cold outreach to complete strangers, you engage with warm audiences.
This is the hidden gem that no one is talking about. When you build a market position with content, you attract opportunities. You get invited to podcasts or events as a speaker, and your exposure compounds with more invitations. This leads to a strong personal brand and easy recruitment.
And finally the most important: you close more clients. This results from all the benefits I’ve listed, of course. But also, you increase your closing rates, answer objections, and sales faster (so you build momentum).
In my new course, I show you how to unlock those 7 benefits to fuel your business’ growth.
→ Grab the launch offer now before it ends:
"If you want a more impactful content strategy, Pierre is the one to go to."
Morgan J Ingram - Founder and CEOAMP Creative (170,000 followers)
Part 2 - There are 5 stages when it comes to content creation
Stage 1: "We should try content marketing"
Stage 2: "We published our first post!"
Stage 3: "We're 2 months in, let's continue"
Stage 4: "We're getting 2 leads per week"
Stage 5: "40% of our revenue comes from content"
350 students are publishing content using my method.
Here’s what they are saying about the course:
"Pierre created the best training I have ever seen in marketing and content strategy. I use it nearly every day to challenge myself and my clients."
Bruno Desiderio - Founder @Client Values First SRL
"The course is in one word amazing! Everything I need for marketing strategy, content creation and great execution are there. I still only utilized a part of the course and there is so much more to use and learn. Great value for money from Pierre."
Bart Spronk - Growth Consultant
"The course is a practical step by step way to setup an effective content strategy. Especially the workshops where they put things into practice are helpful once you start."
Thom van der Kleij - Founder @Dimpekt
Part 3 - Content creates an halo effect that benefits your entire business
Here is the definition;
The halo effect is a cognitive bias that claims that positive impressions of people, brands, and products in one area positively influence our feelings in another area.
So here is what happens exactly:
People love your content because it’s great
They think your business must be great too
Part 4 - How my course will help you create content
Step 1 - Create your content strategy with the manifesto template
Avoid the strategy traps and follow a clear plan (with templates) to set up your strategy.
Pinpoint the problems of your audience
Create your positioning and messaging strategy
Write your content manifesto and narrative
Example of a video lesson: here I show you how I build a strategy from scratch for a B2B Business so you can follow my process
Step 2 - Build your content plan with your notion dashboard
Here’s what you’ll learn inside the course in module 2:
Install your content engine
Ideate your content (from insights to piece of content)
Create your content plan
Example of a dashboard:
Step 3 - Start Creating content
Your strategy won’t be efficient without great content:
Learn how to write with the right copywriting structures
Learn how to format and design content
Learn how to apply psychology in your content
Example of a video lesson: here I write a LinkedIn post from scratch
Step 4 - Repurpose your content
Save time and repeat messages in a smart way with repurposing.
Learn to create your repurposing factory
Repurpose one insight into multiple formats
Create links between channels
Example of a video lesson: here I show you how I turn 1 insight into 30 pieces of content
Step 5 - Generate revenue with content
Content has a direct impact on revenue, I will show you how to;
Install your content funnel to get leads
Set up your social selling campaigns
Create a content-ready offer
Example of a video lesson: here I show you how to install a social selling workflow on LinkedIn
Thank you for reading this newsletter! I hope you found it helpful.
The course’s launch offer will end this Sunday 1st December.
Make sure to grab your seat in the course here: