[Messaging] 3-Step Messaging Framework to Become a Recognized Brand
Hello 👋 - Here is an actionable guide to install your messaging strategy.
Hello 👋
Today I’m sharing the secret sauce for strong messaging.
The introduction is simple:
❌ Poor Messaging → Lack of Audience Recognition → Low Revenue
✅ Strong Messaging → Strong Audience Recognition → High Revenue
With poor messaging, you are losing an unlimited amount of deals.
Good news → This 3-part framework will help you with actionable tips.
The framework is composed of 3 main parts:
Pertinence: your messages are relevant to your audience
Clarity: your messages are easily understood by your audience
Consistency: your messages are aligned across channels
Let’s go:
In marketing, pertinence is key.
It’s the alignment and suitability of your marketing efforts with your target audience.
It comes before clarity and consistency because even if you are 100% clear and consistent, your efforts will be useless if they are irrelevant.
❌ 1000 irrelevant actions → no results
Here is what it means to be pertinent in marketing:
You know your target audience perfectly
Your offer is accessible to your audience (pricing, time and efforts, distribution)
Your value proposition addresses your audience’s problem/dream outcome
Your messaging strategy is aligned with the 3 points above
Your channel mix is designed to reach your audience (not useless reach)
Your marketing efforts are aligned with your audience’s buying journey
Irrelevant vs Pertinent Strategy:
So how can you make a pertinent strategy?
The answer can be summarized in 1 keyword: insights.
🌲 Developing a strategy without insights is like trying to navigate a forest blindfolded.
You need to base your hypothesis and efforts on insights, not assumptions.
✅ Audience insights → Knowledge → Hypothesis
❌ Assumptions → Certitudes → Hypothesis
The good news? With online tools, you can access unlimited insights.
Here are 11 examples of insights sources:
Market sizing data
Industry trends
Consumer behaviors
Demographic insights
Psychographics profiles
Keyword search
Results of tests
Intent data
Answers to surveys
Interviews with audience
Customer feedback
→ Reddot can help you to access these insights.
To summarize the first point about pertinence:
You need to create a pertinent strategy that echoes your target audience
For this, you need to base your strategy on market insights
Once you have a well-thought-pertinent strategy, you can move on to clarity;
Your offer is most probably awesome. 😎
But if it’s not clear, no one will click!
That’s why in marketing, clarity is key.
Your audience needs to understand quickly what problem you are solving and how.
🤖 It involves communicating your brand's value proposition, offerings, and benefits in a way that is easily understood by your target market.
Here’s what unclear messaging looks like
Too many offers (the audience gets lost)
Different messaging across C-levels
Too many call to actions
Unspecific value proposition
Complex words and jargon
An overall feeling of incompetence
Yes. It is harsh.
So how can you create a clear messaging strategy?
With 3 steps:
Co-founders alignment
What is our vision?
What are the brand values?
How are we helping our audience?
Knowledge of your audience
Who is our audience?
What is their dream outcome?
What is their ideal buying journey?
Prioritization and sacrifice
What message is the most important?
What should we delete for clarity?
What should we do first?
(the list of questions is non-exhaustive here)
So book a strategic retreat and cover the 3 points listed above.
Here’s what you should aim for:
Clear objective
Aligned visual identity
Defined target audience
Distinct value proposition
Simple and specific taglines
Strong unique selling point (USP)
👆 This right here is priceless. Invest.
Of course, it will evolve with iterations and market evolution.
But it’s a strong foundation.
That said, this foundation is useless if you don’t aim for consistency:
Here, it’s not only about:
“Showing up every day”
“Posting every day at the same time”
It’s far more intense. Let me explain.
Behind “marketing consistency”, there are 6 underlying concepts:
Building habits
Goal Achievement
Strong point of view
Building Trust and Reputation
You should aim for consistency by following the 6 concepts. 👆
Concretely, here is how you can install a consistent messaging strategy:
→ Brand voice: use a distinct tone and style in written and oral communication to become emblematic.
→ Channels alignment: build a coherent presence across channels with similar messages and calls to action.
→ People alignment: ensure that everyone publishing online is briefed on what to say and how to say it.
→ Visual branding: align your visual identity with your brand voice to affirm your market positioning.
→ Controlled innovation: when pivoting or adding new messages, make sure to educate your audience with a dedicated plan.
If you commit to a consistent messaging strategy, great things will happen;
After a few days - Your audience will start noticing you
After 2-3 weeks - Your audience will start trusting you
After 3-4 weeks - Your audience will consider working with you
Awareness → Trust → Interest
That’s it for today folks.
Here are 3 highlights of the messaging framework:
Pertinence: Align your marketing strategy with your target audience's needs and preferences by leveraging insights, not assumptions.
Clarity: Craft a clear and concise messaging strategy that communicates the problem you solve and how you do it.
Consistency: Build awareness, trust, and interest by consistently sharing the same point of view with integrity and reliability.
Thanks for reading this substack!
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